Friday, October 16, 2009
the lonely epidermis and Cher
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sexiness Happens
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I'm bein' spon-tan-u-ous
Today I want to talk about spoontaneity. This is of course my personal hybrid word composed of of spooning and spontaneity. As Miley Cyrus says in her hit "Nobody's Perfect," "it might be crazy; I'll do it anyways!" There's something to be said for running headlong into something and throwing the humdrum ordinary things to the wind a little bit. Only you don't have to do something super crazy to make something exciting!
How the heck does spontaneity relate to spooning at all? Mix it up people! If you've been spooning with somebody for a while, switch it up a little. Keep your fave utensil on their shiny metal metaphorical toes. Grab your spoon's hand and take them somewhere new. Never spooned outside? Go for it! Never switched big and little spoon? Turn yo'selves over! (Although I know some people are strongly biased one way or the ever. I'll admit it - I am, too. But mixing it up sometimes can be fun!) Never tried the warlock? Grab that hand, you crazy spoon, you! Never played with your utensil's hair before? Get to playing! So your handhold ends up being awkward or something, or your reversal of your usual spooning positions ends up sucking? Let's go back to the sage wisdom of Miss Miley Cyrus, "Nobody's perfect, I've got to work it...nobody's perfect, you live and you learn it!" Change it again. Optimal spooning is a process, not a destination people.
So try mixing it up - you just might like it!
I know it sounds like a little thing, but spooning is all about the little things. God is in the details, people. Or in this case, utter bliss is in the details!
I'm sure some of you are wondering about the title of today's post, "I'm bein' spon-tan-u-ous." It is a quote from the cinematic gem Happy Feet, which though it features penguins as so many movies have recently and has a far fetched premise that penguins could save themselves from starvation by tapdancing, is a great film to enjoy with small children, watch when you need cheering up, or put on with your special spoon if you're not just platonic spoons and make out while watching, not unlike Transformers. Happy Feet happens to be one of my personal favorite movies. I actually have a Mumble plushy that says "I'm bein' spon-tan-u-ous." It inspires me.
Heck yes.
Happy spooning!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
We're All Gonna Die (Thoughts on Homework)
Since Spoon Tunes is on hold, I'm just going to do the song I'm listening to via youtube right now, which is "Pretty Little Thing" by Fink of course!
Life goal #133- learn to play this on guitar. Serenade someone, in a totally non creepy way. Preferably, serenade someone you know.
Life goal #134- be serenaded with this song.
It's a sexy song. Actually, it's beyond sexy. It's sextactular. Don't believe me? Take a listen!
Anywho, I thought I'd share my thoughts on homework and spooning, considering I currently have a vast quantity of homework that I've been working on for what feels like forever.
Honestly, you've got to do your homework. After all, it's great to learn, and knowledge is power. It's lovely and important, and the best spooning companions are super intelligent cuddly people with whom you can have fascinating conversations. Of course, that's my own heavily biased opinion, but heck, this whole thing is my opinion, so who cares!
But let's face it people - we're all gonna die. This isn't to put a damper on things; rather, this is to empower you! Carpe diem my spoons! Carpe amici laeta amoreque (Sieze your friends with happiness and love)! Everyone loves a Latin geek.
So, in the grand tradition of classic/amazing works such as John Donne's "The Flea" and Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress" (Sexy poem=sexy link. Watch it.), life is short. Get your spoon on, and enjoy your body, your friends, and your incredible ability to cuddle without being limited by arthritis pain. But don't neglect your work to do it! Homework first, spooning second. But stay on top of your homework (in a non sketchy way) so you have tons of time to spoon.
This is when time management fo realz pays off, peeps. Make it happen.
Happy spooning!
Monday, October 12, 2009
When life gives you lemons...
Whining is bad. But sometimes, it's good for you. So I'm going to get it out of my system WHINE WHINE WHINE oh life is so unfair even though I live in a 1st world country and have all my needs provided for and attend a great school and have lots of people who love/like/tolerate me.
See! I just made myself look dumb, and I made myself laugh - all at the same time! So I feel better/ridiculous. Hooray!
Happy spooning, and happy not whining!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Spoon Tunes (Part 1)
- "Mona Lisa (When the World Comes Down)" by The All-American Rejects. It's a fantastic song, very chill, very all about being with one other person and enjoying it, even if the world ends. Heck, if the world ends I am definitely going to be snuggling as the world comes down.
- "I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne - more on the romance-y side. This edgy pop princess definitely is a good choice for enhancing your cuddling experience, especially her more mellow selections.
- "Steal My Kisses" by Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals. Romantic, adorable turn of the millennium classic.
- "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel. Fricking amazing. And who doesn't want someone to intend to hold them for the longest time? Also, this is amazing done a cappella.
- "No Rain" by Blind Melon. Good tune for some very relaxing snuggles.
- "A Whole New World" from the Aladdin soundtrack. This is of course super romantic, and down right amazing. 10 extra points to anyone who actually sings this to their cuddle utensil of choice. Both parts.
- "Hey Juliet" by LMNT. "I think you're fine. You really blow my mind. Maybe someday you and me can run away. I just want you to know, I wanna be your Romeo." Can you get any happier than this 90's classic? Let's ponder this...ummm...not really, nope. It's a little upbeat for relaxed snuggles though.
- "Put Your Records On (Acoustic)" by Corinne Bailey Rae. Very relaxing, especially appropriate when you've got your hair down and you just want to kick back and get your cuddle on. Particularly appropriate for all female snuggle gatherings.
- "Knights of the Island Counter" by Dave Melillo. Depressing, but great melody. It's heavily alcohol themed, so it might be good for intoxicated snuggling? Personally, I like it for sleepy snuggling.
- "Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie. Amazing. 'Nuff said.
- "Take It Easy" by The Eagles. Good for when you're really wound up, and you and your fellow utensil need to remind each other of the joys of relaxing and cuddling.
- "Trolley Wood" by Eisley. Actually, the entire CD of Room Noises is perfect for cuddling. It's very relaxing and very filled with happiness, love, and oddities. So basically, if cuddling had a theme song, it would probably be Eisley related.
- "Rock 'N' Roll" by Eric Hutchinson. Technically, this is a folk song. It's been pretty populate lately, and with just cause. It's supa chill and supa awesome. Just like you.
- "Time on Your Side" by Emily Jane White. It just makes the tension melt out of me, which could mean potential melting into a fellow spoon and making the snuggles even better. I love it. So so so so much.
- "Sewn (Radio Edit)" by The Feeling. It's basically about somebody being whipped, but in a good, happy, loving way if that makes any sense. So they're sewn. And that's pretty much what cuddle buddies are - they're sewn in regard to each other. That in tandem with the fact that it's a gosh darn wonderful song with a gosh darn wonderful chorus makes it perfect for cuddling.
So You've Had a Bad Day
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Cyber Spooning - It Happens
- surround yourself with pillows/stuffed animals/fluffy blankets
- take a warm bath. It's like tiny liquid big spoons for your pores. Yep, that's a weird comparison. Good times, good times.
- take a shower, because it's like a vertical bath mixed with man made rain
- watch a movie that doesn't make you want to cuddle out of terror/happiness, if such a thing exists (Then again, I find a terrible lot of movies are terrifying at some point or another, including The Lion King, Happy Feet, and Jurassic Park.)
- write a poem about spooning
- write a blog about spooning
- drown your sorrows in homework
- hug your dog/mom/neighbor/life size Barbie
- dance naked. Preferably, with your curtains drawn and your door locked, because sometimes some people don't appreciate true art.
- daydream about past snuggles or future snuggles you would like to have
- make lists of epic places to snuggle. On a window washer thingy outside of a building? On a ferris wheel? On a boat?
- count some spoons (not sheep. spoons>sheep. Sheep smell icky. Spoons are cuddly. Clearly, spoons win.) and get some ZZZZ's
- cyber spooning with one of your fave spoons. This requires you to really think of some excellent cuddle-related verbs if you want to get any actual satisfaction out of this.
- enjoy a hobby that takes all of your focus, like building model air planes. Or building a model of the Millennium Falcon out of gumdrops. Or masturbating.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ice Ice Spoony
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It'd Suck to Big Spoon Rapunzel
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Full on Ladle
Okay, so I’m sure you’re all “what’s a full on ladle?” And if you’re not, then that’s weird, because it’s something I made up.
As the term suggests, ladling is a little more intense than spooning. However, it’s not like sporking or forking. Ladling is simply an alternative arm style, and it can be pretty hard to master. Not like being a ninja is hard to master. More like internet mahjong is hard to master. Although internet mahjong can be pretty hard. So more getting the perfect proportions of PB to J can be hard to master. It can be done fairly easily; it just takes a little practice.
Honestly, most snugglers I have encountered don’t full on ladle. In fact, very few do. It can be uncomfortable, and it has to be done in the right setting. And what is that setting? Why the bedroom of course! I mean that in a completely non suggestive way. Beds are nice for cuddling because they’re soft and pillowy.
So I’m sure at this point, you’re all going OH EM GEE what is ladling? And since it’s not like you have ESPN or something (10 points to whoever gets the reference – and like in Whose Line, the points don’t matter), I guess I’m just going to have to straight out tell you. Ladling is when the big spoon takes their underneath arm and wraps it under the little spoon’s body, wrapping them in a full on embrace. Thus, you are more surrounded than in a typical spooning, making it – insert trumpet fanfare here – a full on ladle.
So why is this so hard? It’s just a weird hug lying down right? Um wrong. How wrong? That’s as wrong as saying that Blue always finds four clues, or that Big Brother isn’t watching you, or saying that Sexy Bitch is not my theme song. That’s how wrong it is.
Basically, it’s hard just because it can be an awkward arm position. If you’re on anything besides a nice soft bed/couch, there’s a good chance the big spoon’s arm won’t be so super comfy, or that they may lose feeling in their fingers at some point. But ladling can be fun, especially if you’re being silly or trying to comfort someone or just trying to steal extra body heat from someone (yeah, I know it’s a recurring theme…I’m REALLY cold all the time.). So, if your big spoon is talented enough to make both of you comfy while doing it, go for it, my sweet silverware snugglers! It’s not like it’s any sketchier than normal spooning; it’s just a little more warm and toasty and happy. It’s just an extra special hug, for your extra special inner spoon.
Happy Ladling!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Why I Don't Spoon with Darth Vader
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I Wanna Hold Your Hand…
Recently, my friends have been reading about the many uses of the hand in a history and science related course. Of course, in my humble opinion, the most important usage of the hand is not to grasp any particular thing, but rather to grasp a particular person when (you guessed it) spooning!
Hands are one of those finer details in regard to spooning, like adding page numbers to your paper or flossing your teeth. It’s not a big thing, but it can make a big difference. And yes, I just compared handholding to waxy peppermint stuff that goes near your gumline.
Some people don’t go for handholding, in which case, just ignore this post, and don’t worry about it. You can just skip this post, and look forward to my next one, which hopefully will apply to you, considering it’s going to be about breathing, and hopefully you all breathe at least a little bit. Anywho, some people like handholding; I’m personally ridiculously fond of it, in case you randomly wanted to know. It forges this instant bond between you, like when Harry and Voldemort’s wands connect in Goblet of Fire, only in a happy snuggles meets happy snuggles kind of way, not in a good meets evil kind of way. But it is pretty magical. Whether you’re romantic or platonic spoons, it can be nice to just have that other person there.
So there are two basic handholding styles: the wrap and the interlock, and then there’s the nice little combo of the two, which I’m going to call warlock, just because it’s kind of a combination of “wrap” and “interlock” if you squint hard enough, and because it just plain makes me happy. The interlock is your traditional handhold, with interlaced fingers, palm to palm. The wrap (and I mean wrap as in fancy coat, not as in an alternative sandwich, just so you know) is just what it sounds like, one spoon wrapping the other spoon’s hand in their hand, basically surrounding it, palm to back of hand. It’s generally easier to have the big spoon be the outside hand in the wrap. The warlock is essentially taking the wrap basic position (palm to back of hand) and interlocking fingers from there, which creates an intense handhold that I have to admit looks pretty gosh darn cute.
Feel like taking it to the next level? Fidget with each other’s fingers. It can either be awkward, or incredibly nice, although it tends to be nicest when you’re so tired that the fact that the other person has fingers is pretty much the coolest concept EVER. Or, just move your fingers in your handhold so that you basically end up petting the other person’s fingers just a little bit. Okay, so when put that way, it sounds pretty creepy, but I promise, when done well, it’s one of the best things in the world.
Also, if you have a temperature challenged spoon with hands the temperature of a slushy, it can be nice to warm up said spoon’s hands if you are the more fortunate temperature oriented spoon. Believe me, the cold spoon and his/her hands will be very grateful.
Now I know what you’re thinking. Or else, I know what you’re not thinking. It’s definitely one of the two. But OH EM GEE, what if my hand gets sweaty? Wipe it off. Take a handholding break. Let the big spoon rest his/her hand on the little spoon’s arm instead. You can feel just as close without getting your hand hold on. No biggie.
In short, hand holding can be a fun addition to your spooning repertoire!
Happy spooning!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wait…what’s this creepy thing attached to my shoulder? (Thoughts on Arms)
Spooning tends to make your arms feel just plain awkward…unless you perfect your style!
Practice makes perfect people. Fo realz. The more you can has spooning, the more you will find your perfect arm positions comes to you naturally!
Anywho, the basics of arms are as follows, at least in my book:
For the big spoon:
You can opt for two basic movements with the arm that is closest to the ground. You can either opt to rest your own head on your arms, either by sticking it straight out or curling it under your cranium, or you can support your little spoon’s head, which tends to be more convenient if there are pillows or other soft surfaces so that your head is not pulling your neck down at some bizarre and often painful angle. Do what’s comfy (well, duh. Cuddling is not supposed to be painful. Unless you accidentally fall off of a bed or something because it’s 3 am, and you’re just plain broken. That’s when good cuddling goes bad.)
Anywho, back to my focus! Of course, the outside arm of the big spoon is perfect for holding your li’l spoon close. Over the spot between the hip and the chest is generally a good idea, especially if your little spoon has some nice hips. Otherwise, generally over your little spoon’s side is perfect. You can keep your arm close, or you can just rest it on your little spoon’s conveniently located body – it’s totally up to you. When I’m a big spoon, my arm tends to start hurting sometimes, so definitely feel free to shift about; movement will let your little spoon know that you’re still awake and enjoying the intensive cuddle-age anyways.
Yes, cuddle-age. It’s a word, because well, I say so.
For the little spoon:
Arm positions tend to be simpler for you, you lucky little kitchen utensil! Simply move your arms so that you fit into the big spoon nicely, and your shoulders aren’t killing you. Generally, I end up with both my arms pretty much in front of me, which can allow for some nice playing/fidgeting with the big spoon’s hand/arm. You can also curl your arm under your head or rest your head on your arm in some way if there are no pillows and your big spoon is utilizing their arm to support his/her own head. Essentially, do what feels comfy.
If your big spoon and your little spoon are really on the same page, you can do such lovely things as holding hands! (Although that is a topic for another day because I have very strong feelings about hand-holding and cuddling. Be prepared. And afraid. Be VERY afraid.)
Cue the scary music.
Happy spooning!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Size and Space - the Basics of Spooning
Obviously, there are two basic roles in the process of spooning - the big spoon and the little spoon. There can also be different degrees of size in spoons, especially when you opt to have a large spooning quorum. However, for today my focus is one-on-one spooning.
Please note, when I say "big spoon" and "little spoon," I am not denoting that the larger partner is necessarily the big spoon and that the smaller partner is necessarily the smaller spoon. The "big spoon" is simply the person who forms the outside of the spoonit (a unit of two spooning people). The “little spoon” is the person around whom the big spoon wraps himself or herself. Essentially, they lie front to back, interlocking like two spoons lying together, with one surrounding the other.
The big spoon tends to be the more dominant spoon, not because they are the more dominant partner, but because their movements will affect the person they are surrounding.
The smaller spoon tends to need to react to their partner's movements, stretching or curling up accordingly to the "size" the big spoon has made him or herself. However, the small spoon can also take command, curling up or stretching as he or she will, and drawing their partner closer around them to allow for maximum physical contact. Movement when spooning is extremely important; it lets your current spooner or spoonee know that you're enjoying the snuggles as well as that you want to make it even better, if possible.
Also, there is a "space factor." Some people are particularly cuddly spoons. I myself am a rather cuddly spoon; I like minimal space and maximum body heat, because I tend to be always cold and am thus a body heat leech. If I want you closer, you will most likely find yourself being pulled and nudged around me. However, some people prefer the freedom to wiggle and stretch that more space between partners allows, as well as the fact that any small movement they make affects their partner in some way. It is easy to allow for such a preference by simply allowing a little more space between your bodies.
But if you snuggle me, I don’t want that, unless you want space, in which case, of course you can have it!
(Please note, whoever wants more space gets space immediately. If somebody decides they are uncomfortable or simply feeling too restricted, it’s important to comply with their needs ASAP. Spooning should be fun; it should never make anyone unhappy.)
NEWSFLASH: I have just been informed that I am a snuggle addict. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not…but I’m definitely thinking not.
Happy spooning!