Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sexiness Happens

How epic is that screen cap? SO epic. That's from a conversation I had with one of my guy friends the other night. I love it. I want it on t-shirts, with a big "LOL" on the back. But why is this screen cap super appropriate? Today I'm blogging about spooning and sexiness!

You see, I totally spazzed out the other night because one of my guy friends told me that spooning is ALWAYS about sex.

Not to go all first grader on you guys, but ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. No. Not everything is about sex. But he says if you're snuggling with guys, it's "always" about sex (ironic considering he'd said he wanted to snuggle the night before when I talked to him). I found this icky. It's so icky that I'm not even going to use a more grownup word like "disgusting," "repulsive," or "revolting" to refer to it. It's just plain icky.

I don't think snuggling is about sex. Sure it most definitely CAN be. But not always, and not necessarily. But I just like being close to people and all physically wrapped up in them as much as I tend to be intellectually and emotionally. And it can still be somewhat sexy. I mean, let's face it, I only spoon with sexy people. It's a requirement. JK. Kind of. Not really. (I promise, I'm not really that shallow. I just happen to know loads of super sexy people.) And when you have a bunch of sexy people together, it's just naturally sexy. It's the way of the world. But that doesn't make it necessarily erotic or anything. And it's not like forthcoming sexual exploits are implied by any means, and it's not like sexy times are the goal. We just exude sexiness, and as we all know, sexiness happens.

So what have we learned? Sexy people are sexy. Spooning with them is naturally sexy, but in a more "that's hot" kind of way rather than a "sexy times are imminent" kind of way.

Now, you can totally take it to that level with a little extra touching and a little less clothing, but that's your prerogative, and that's when it stops being sexy spooning and goes to sporking.

Ofcourse, in honor of today's super sexy post, I'm rocking out to my super sexy theme song by David Guetta featuring Akon.

Happy spooning, you sexy utensils, you!

1 comment:

  1. funny, my college roommate also loves this song! it gets stuck in my head all the time thanks to her...
