Okay, so I’m sure you’re all “what’s a full on ladle?” And if you’re not, then that’s weird, because it’s something I made up.
As the term suggests, ladling is a little more intense than spooning. However, it’s not like sporking or forking. Ladling is simply an alternative arm style, and it can be pretty hard to master. Not like being a ninja is hard to master. More like internet mahjong is hard to master. Although internet mahjong can be pretty hard. So more getting the perfect proportions of PB to J can be hard to master. It can be done fairly easily; it just takes a little practice.
Honestly, most snugglers I have encountered don’t full on ladle. In fact, very few do. It can be uncomfortable, and it has to be done in the right setting. And what is that setting? Why the bedroom of course! I mean that in a completely non suggestive way. Beds are nice for cuddling because they’re soft and pillowy.
So I’m sure at this point, you’re all going OH EM GEE what is ladling? And since it’s not like you have ESPN or something (10 points to whoever gets the reference – and like in Whose Line, the points don’t matter), I guess I’m just going to have to straight out tell you. Ladling is when the big spoon takes their underneath arm and wraps it under the little spoon’s body, wrapping them in a full on embrace. Thus, you are more surrounded than in a typical spooning, making it – insert trumpet fanfare here – a full on ladle.
So why is this so hard? It’s just a weird hug lying down right? Um wrong. How wrong? That’s as wrong as saying that Blue always finds four clues, or that Big Brother isn’t watching you, or saying that Sexy Bitch is not my theme song. That’s how wrong it is.
Basically, it’s hard just because it can be an awkward arm position. If you’re on anything besides a nice soft bed/couch, there’s a good chance the big spoon’s arm won’t be so super comfy, or that they may lose feeling in their fingers at some point. But ladling can be fun, especially if you’re being silly or trying to comfort someone or just trying to steal extra body heat from someone (yeah, I know it’s a recurring theme…I’m REALLY cold all the time.). So, if your big spoon is talented enough to make both of you comfy while doing it, go for it, my sweet silverware snugglers! It’s not like it’s any sketchier than normal spooning; it’s just a little more warm and toasty and happy. It’s just an extra special hug, for your extra special inner spoon.
Happy Ladling!
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