Recently, my friends have been reading about the many uses of the hand in a history and science related course. Of course, in my humble opinion, the most important usage of the hand is not to grasp any particular thing, but rather to grasp a particular person when (you guessed it) spooning!
Hands are one of those finer details in regard to spooning, like adding page numbers to your paper or flossing your teeth. It’s not a big thing, but it can make a big difference. And yes, I just compared handholding to waxy peppermint stuff that goes near your gumline.
Some people don’t go for handholding, in which case, just ignore this post, and don’t worry about it. You can just skip this post, and look forward to my next one, which hopefully will apply to you, considering it’s going to be about breathing, and hopefully you all breathe at least a little bit. Anywho, some people like handholding; I’m personally ridiculously fond of it, in case you randomly wanted to know. It forges this instant bond between you, like when Harry and Voldemort’s wands connect in Goblet of Fire, only in a happy snuggles meets happy snuggles kind of way, not in a good meets evil kind of way. But it is pretty magical. Whether you’re romantic or platonic spoons, it can be nice to just have that other person there.
So there are two basic handholding styles: the wrap and the interlock, and then there’s the nice little combo of the two, which I’m going to call warlock, just because it’s kind of a combination of “wrap” and “interlock” if you squint hard enough, and because it just plain makes me happy. The interlock is your traditional handhold, with interlaced fingers, palm to palm. The wrap (and I mean wrap as in fancy coat, not as in an alternative sandwich, just so you know) is just what it sounds like, one spoon wrapping the other spoon’s hand in their hand, basically surrounding it, palm to back of hand. It’s generally easier to have the big spoon be the outside hand in the wrap. The warlock is essentially taking the wrap basic position (palm to back of hand) and interlocking fingers from there, which creates an intense handhold that I have to admit looks pretty gosh darn cute.
Feel like taking it to the next level? Fidget with each other’s fingers. It can either be awkward, or incredibly nice, although it tends to be nicest when you’re so tired that the fact that the other person has fingers is pretty much the coolest concept EVER. Or, just move your fingers in your handhold so that you basically end up petting the other person’s fingers just a little bit. Okay, so when put that way, it sounds pretty creepy, but I promise, when done well, it’s one of the best things in the world.
Also, if you have a temperature challenged spoon with hands the temperature of a slushy, it can be nice to warm up said spoon’s hands if you are the more fortunate temperature oriented spoon. Believe me, the cold spoon and his/her hands will be very grateful.
Now I know what you’re thinking. Or else, I know what you’re not thinking. It’s definitely one of the two. But OH EM GEE, what if my hand gets sweaty? Wipe it off. Take a handholding break. Let the big spoon rest his/her hand on the little spoon’s arm instead. You can feel just as close without getting your hand hold on. No biggie.
In short, hand holding can be a fun addition to your spooning repertoire!
Happy spooning!
this comment is the best yet, my dear little spoon. keep the good spooning (and warlock references) coming! :)