Monday, October 12, 2009

When life gives you lemons...

Whack them with a spoon!

Sometimes, life gets you down, but spooning helps pick you up! They're like the skin's own warm, snuggly prozac. If life were a merry go round, spooning would be that point when your pony/bunny/dragon/panda/giraffe reaches its pinnacle of height and you can't help but smile because you're on top of the world - or at least, you're on top of a colorful fake critter, and that's pretty close to the world. Kind of. Ish.

Anyways, spooning makes life better. So here are my thoughts on pick-me-up snuggles. Warmness is good. Body contact is good. Comfort is good. Tension is bad. I want some snuggles, because I am whiny and ridiculous.

Whining is bad. But sometimes, it's good for you. So I'm going to get it out of my system WHINE WHINE WHINE oh life is so unfair even though I live in a 1st world country and have all my needs provided for and attend a great school and have lots of people who love/like/tolerate me.

See! I just made myself look dumb, and I made myself laugh - all at the same time! So I feel better/ridiculous. Hooray!

Happy spooning, and happy not whining!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Lil' Spoon. This week has a strange lack of snuggles. Thankfully, we'll be back with the people who love/like/tolerate us soooon! :)
