Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wait…what’s this creepy thing attached to my shoulder? (Thoughts on Arms)

Spooning tends to make your arms feel just plain awkward…unless you perfect your style!

Practice makes perfect people. Fo realz. The more you can has spooning, the more you will find your perfect arm positions comes to you naturally!

Anywho, the basics of arms are as follows, at least in my book:

For the big spoon:

You can opt for two basic movements with the arm that is closest to the ground. You can either opt to rest your own head on your arms, either by sticking it straight out or curling it under your cranium, or you can support your little spoon’s head, which tends to be more convenient if there are pillows or other soft surfaces so that your head is not pulling your neck down at some bizarre and often painful angle. Do what’s comfy (well, duh. Cuddling is not supposed to be painful. Unless you accidentally fall off of a bed or something because it’s 3 am, and you’re just plain broken. That’s when good cuddling goes bad.)

Anywho, back to my focus! Of course, the outside arm of the big spoon is perfect for holding your li’l spoon close. Over the spot between the hip and the chest is generally a good idea, especially if your little spoon has some nice hips. Otherwise, generally over your little spoon’s side is perfect. You can keep your arm close, or you can just rest it on your little spoon’s conveniently located body – it’s totally up to you. When I’m a big spoon, my arm tends to start hurting sometimes, so definitely feel free to shift about; movement will let your little spoon know that you’re still awake and enjoying the intensive cuddle-age anyways.

Yes, cuddle-age. It’s a word, because well, I say so.

For the little spoon:

Arm positions tend to be simpler for you, you lucky little kitchen utensil! Simply move your arms so that you fit into the big spoon nicely, and your shoulders aren’t killing you. Generally, I end up with both my arms pretty much in front of me, which can allow for some nice playing/fidgeting with the big spoon’s hand/arm. You can also curl your arm under your head or rest your head on your arm in some way  if there are no pillows and your big spoon is utilizing their arm to support his/her own head. Essentially, do what feels comfy.

If your big spoon and your little spoon are really on the same page, you can do such lovely things as holding hands! (Although that is a topic for another day because I have very strong feelings about hand-holding and cuddling. Be prepared.  And afraid. Be VERY afraid.)

Cue the scary music.

Happy spooning!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Size and Space - the Basics of Spooning

Obviously, there are two basic roles in the process of spooning - the big spoon and the little spoon. There can also be different degrees of size in spoons, especially when you opt to have a large spooning quorum. However, for today my focus is one-on-one spooning.

Please note, when I say "big spoon" and "little spoon," I am not denoting that the larger partner is necessarily the big spoon and that the smaller partner is necessarily the smaller spoon. The "big spoon" is simply the person who forms the outside of the spoonit (a unit of two spooning people). The “little spoon” is the person around whom the big spoon wraps himself or herself. Essentially, they lie front to back, interlocking like two spoons lying together, with one surrounding the other.

The big spoon tends to be the more dominant spoon, not because they are the more dominant partner, but because their movements will affect the person they are surrounding.

The smaller spoon tends to need to react to their partner's movements, stretching or curling up accordingly to the "size" the big spoon has made him or herself.  However, the small spoon can also take command, curling up or stretching as he or she will, and drawing their partner closer around them to allow for maximum physical  contact. Movement when spooning is extremely important; it lets your current spooner or spoonee know that you're enjoying the snuggles as well as that you want to make it even better, if possible.

Also, there is a "space factor." Some people are particularly cuddly spoons. I myself am a rather cuddly spoon; I like minimal space and maximum body heat, because I tend to be always cold and am thus a body heat leech. If I want you closer, you will most likely find yourself being pulled and nudged around me. However, some people prefer the freedom to wiggle and stretch that more space between partners allows, as well as the fact that any small movement they make affects their partner in some way. It is easy to allow for such a preference by simply allowing a little more space between your bodies.

But if you snuggle me, I don’t want that, unless you want space, in which case, of course you can have it!

(Please note, whoever wants more space gets space immediately. If somebody decides they are uncomfortable or simply feeling too restricted, it’s important to comply with their needs ASAP. Spooning should be fun; it should never make anyone unhappy.)

NEWSFLASH: I have just been informed that I am a snuggle addict. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not…but I’m definitely thinking not.

Happy spooning!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Original Spoon Facts

Like any normal, hormone filled college student, I enjoy physically interacting with my peers in a safe, non promiscuous manner. This is not to say that interacting in a safe promiscuous manner isn't pretty swell too, but for now, that's not my focus.

And what is my focus? What is the one thing that you're now waiting with semi-baited breath to discover I'm writing about, or at least with a sort of apathetic vague interest?


Urban currently has 34 definitions just for spooning. Clearly, it is an important aspect of our modern culture.

For those of you who are just clueless, or would like to know what I define as spooning then tough cookies. Spooning involves way too many things. If urbandictionary gets to have oodles of definitions for spooning, then how can I, an indecisive college student, be expected to choose just one? Therefore, you'll just have to keep reading my posts and find out exactly (a) what is spooning, (b) how to maximize your spooning experience, and (c) just generally random things that go through my head, which may or may not involve spoons, and which may or may not involve turtles, cartwheels, "that's what she said" jokes and other general epic nonsense.

Happy spooning!